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Lip Scrub

Lip Scrub

Regular price $7.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $7.00 USD
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Don't be trying to kiss people with flakey lips! IJS...

I know a lot of people who need this. I'm one of them

Simply damp the lips with water, add a small amount of sugar scrub, let it sit for a few seconds, then gently...(gently I said) use a warm wet cloth and wipe the lips. Do this as often as needed. Follow-up with WJ's Lip Balm for soft smooth lips. 

Ingredients: Sugar, Coconut Oil

*Anatomy of lips....Did you know there was a whole anatomy of the lips and why it's important to keep them soft and refreshed.

👄 Bow: where the upper lip comes to two distinct points toward the center of the mouth, almost like a letter 'M'.
👄Philtrum: the vertical groove between the base of the nose and the border of the upper lip.
👄Tubercles: areas that have a natural prominence or protuberance. There is a tubercle just lateral to the midline on each side of the lower lip, a tubercle laterally on each side of the upper lip, and one tubercle in the midline of the upper lip.
👄Vermillion border: the line just above the colored portion that connects the lip tissue to the rest of your face.
👄Oral commissures: the place where the lateral aspects of the vermilion of the upper and lower lips join.

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